Take an Active Role in Your Membership

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Your Voice Your Bar

Use Your Voice

As a D.C. Bar member, you have the power to influence what the Bar does and help shape its future by voting for your Board of Governors. Make your voice count and choose the Bar’s – and your - leaders.

Cast your vote starting April 29.

Find Your Voice

Get to know the candidates and decide who best represents your voice and vision for the Bar and the legal profession.

View candidate bios

Meet the Candidates in Person

Join us at D.C. Bar headquarters on May 2 for a Member Reception and the opportunity to meet the candidates and hear from the President-Elect candidates, Hardeep Grover and Sadina Montani.

Registration coming soon.

Key Dates

April 29: Voting opens

May 2: Member Reception

June 4: Voting closes

June 7: Election results announced

June 20: Presidents Reception and Celebration of Leadership
